Assembly Prayer
Each Monday one class has the opportunity to lead our whole school community in Prayer at the beginning of Assembly. Assembly begins at 2.30pm and all parents, friends and community members are most welcome.

Supervised Hours
Before and after schoolyard supervision.

Children are supervised at school from 8:00 am.  Children who arrive from that that time are to go immediately to a designated classroom area where they can be supervised until 8:30am when they will be taken to the yard area by the duty teacher.  Under no circumstances is any child to be in the yard prior to 8:30 a.m.

After school, staff members are rostered to supervise students travelling on a bus until the last bus has departed.  This includes the Toolamba Rd route.
Car collection points on Toolamba Road, Hall Street and Emma Street are supervised until 3.40 pm.  After this time students not collected are taken to the McLennan Street bus shelter and parents are contacted.  Parents are reminded that they must leave their vehicle and walk their child or children across any road on which they are parked.

Parents of students who are unable to arrange for the collection of their child or children by 3.40 pm should enquire about enrolling in the After School Care program which is held off site at another school.

School Information Documents